Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Well I am not one for faith or believe in god or anything. In fact, everyone who knows me knows that I don't believe that god exists in a place called heaven. But I do believe that god exists if YOU believe he does. He lives in your mind and heart, and if you truely believe than he is. I had an intresting conversation last night with a neighbour of mine on this subject, and I wanted to tell more here- about the change in faith over time as humans changed (blelief in rock and tree and animal spirits, to pantheons, to a single god, and how each one changed within itself) but I don't have time.
What I wanted to say is that I have a SNAFU with my house, the mortgage to be specific. It's too late for me, if God truely exists he knows I don't believe in him. However, if you believe, would you send a word or two on my behalf that it all works out ok on this house?


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My Aunt's Blog

EDJ's Blog
The rabble of film reviews- cinemablend


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